pyramid of success

Block 1: Industriousness
"There is no substitute for work. Worthwhile results come from hard work and careful planning."
what these quotes mean is that in order to be succesful,we have to work hard and carefully plan our goals menrtally. We have to be industrious meaning busy,, diligent, assiduous, sedulous mean actively engaged or occupied. If we want to improve our skills and get better, we must learn to put in efoort, more than usual. One should put this in their lives because after all, only we ourselves will know if we're actually putting in work into our dreams and if we're not it's no ones but our own fault. As a student and as a teenager, i will try to use this in my everyday life. Personally, i really want to obtain my career as a mechanical engineer and write my own novel. I know that to achieve this, i really have to engage in it and not let myself get distracted. Even in simple things such as a test in school. If i want worthwhile results i must try the best i can.
Block 2Enthusiasm
"It is the engine that powers all blocks of the Pyramid. It is why I chose Industriousness and Enthusiasm as the cornerstones of my Pyramid of Success. It is where everything begins." 
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We have to work hard however we must have enthusiams to do it. If we dont like what we're doing, it's going to be very difficult to be industrious. However if we love what we want to do and have the enthusiam to do it, everything will be much more obtainable and easy coming. Everything begins with that motivation to do stuff. Our goals and motivation begin with enthusiasm. Without enthusiasm, you cannot work up to your fullest ability and potential; you’re just going through the motions. And just going through the motions won’t bring you to the level of competitive greatness we seek nor will it bring success in any aspect in our life, sports, dreams, goals etc...
Block 3Friendship

"Comes from mutual esteem, respect and devotion. Like marriage it must not be taken for granted but requires a joint effort."
what this means is that being friends with someone is having a state of mutual trust and support. In a friendship theres respect and devotion meaning that there should be love, loyalty, or enthusiasm similar to a marriage. Friendship goes both ways and they help each othe and dont use each other. Friends will help complye us and they can be motivators as well.  This will make us better people because we'll be able to engage inrealationships with peopel and actually maintain them which will be useful in our future jobs or any businesses we do with others. We should also initiate the effort to make friends and we can do this in our everyday lives. Personally i will try to use this block of friendship and maintaina  good relationship with those who care about me. I will alos try to initiate newconversations with people i dont normally talk to. 
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Block 4: Loyalty

"To yourself and to all those depending upon you. Keep your self-respect."
I believe that what this ,means is that as we make connections with others we should learn how to be loyal meaning if we say we'll do something, we'll actually do it. We'll give and show firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution especially if we vowed to do so. This can be shown in relationships and jobs. However when talking about loyalty its also important that one is loyal to oneself. We should set for ourselves values and moral principles that we should strive to follow despite the circumstances. If we aren't loyal to ourselves there's no way we'll ever care to be loyal to anyone else. We have to learn how to be a "man of our word" because most of the time loyalty is linked with trust. No one believes an unloyal person and it doesn't get you far in life. To be successful, we have to be loyal especially towards those that depend on it for instance a boss or your children and family. For instance Coach Wooden was loyal to his players something that was essential. Without loyalty the team wouldn't have been as united nor strong. Personally i believe that im a loyal person but i can always strive to be better. I will be loyal to those who depend on it such as myself. I have a lot of goals in mind that i have to accomplish despite any problems i face. 

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Block 5: Cooperation

"With all levels of your co-workers. Listen if you want to be heard. Be interested in finding the best way, not in having your own way. "
What this means is that we should all unite in the process of working together to the same end. This is really important bec
ause if we want to reach our goals we will need the help of others and we should be willing to learn how to work with them because assistance is really crucial for success which is why we should listen to others opinions and be interested in finding the best way and not be selfish by always wanting our way. at the end of the day,  “What is right is more important than who is right " and we can only reach our full potential if we have the cooperation of others. Cooperation also allows individuals to move forward together, to move in the same path instead of going off in different directions and its always great to have someone by your side who shares the same dreams and goals. Personally i can use this block by being more cooperative is school like in team projects. I'll be more willing to listen rather than be heard and share opinions with others to accomplish our task.

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Block 6: Ambition (For noble goals)
Having ambition means that we'll have  a feeling or a desire to achieve a goal. Usually that goal revolves around our definition of success or greatness. Whatever we aspire to be we can achieve if we are ambitious and have the desire and determination. If we have an objective and purpose we will be much more likely to get to where we want in life. Knowing what you want and being eager and enthusiastic about it will bring many positive outcomes and opportunities. This is why i believe its good to be commited and determined for any noble goals we have.  Focusing on ourselves and on others will be part of those noble goals however we shouldn't let ambition get over us to the point that we sacrifice our other good qualities. We have to keep in mind that a noble goal is when its accomplishment
benefits others.  If we are to attain success we must be ambitious with integrity directed at a noble goal. Being selfish will not accomplish any of this. As Coach Wooden liked to say, "Ability may get you to the top but it takes character to keep you there."
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Block 7: Self-Control

"Practice self-discipline and keep emotions under control. Good judgement and common sense are essential."
If we want to be successful,we have to have self discipline meaning we are ethical people. This means that we are people with moral principals and values. We should have the ability to control oneself, in particular one's emotions and desires or the expression of them in one's behavior, especially in difficult situations or in challenging situations. We should never give in to do what we know is not right simply because its easy and other people are doing it . We're all born with good judgement and we should use it on our everyday lives because it's essential for our success. If we don't have self control,we won't be able to get anywhere in life because we'll easy be manipulated and if we don't use common sense we'll make poor decisions that could affect our goals. Just like Coach Wooden believes," If emotion takes over, reason usually flies out the window and the acts or decisions are not likely to be as productive as they should be.”I always like to keep in mind that, discipline is not to punish, but it’s to correct and to improve. This is why i believe that we must make decisions 
based on reason and not emotion. 
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Image result for why is self control important to achieve goals

Block 8: Alertness
"Be observing constantly. Stay open-minded. Be eager to learn and improve."
Image result for AlertnessI believe that what this means is that is that we should constantly be aware of our goals and about new stuff we can learn. Many times we get lost in our tunnel vision  and lose focus on the most important things in our life and we don't see the things that are right in front of us for the taking and for our own good. However alertness will make our task much easier. We'll be able to see things coming' before the competitor does. If we're observing, we can spot our weaknesses and know what to do to improve. We can work towards our goals more efficiently if we know exactly what we need to improve and if we're aware and eager, things will be much easier. We also have to stay open minded and be willing to accept criticism even from ourselves. We have to think outside the box and use our observations to come up with different solutions that we might have originally been scared to do. If we try new things, the world will be more willing to offer us opportunities. Overall a person can learn a a lot if they simply pay attention to others and oneself. One can learn how others think and one can also learn from other figures who have succeeded in life. Knowing this stuff could be of great benefit especially if we see ourselves as successful people someday. Imitating others who are doing great in life means we are alert and open minded to know more about there traits that got them to their position. Personally i want to be more alert and observant in school. I know that if i pay attention and am eager to learn, i can reach my goals more efficiently. 
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Block 9: Initiative
"Cultivate the ability to make decisions and think alone. Do not be afraid of failure, but learn from it."
I think that what this means is that when making decisions we should do what we ourselves know is right rather than ask others to make our decisions. Many times people make others take initiative for their own lives and this will only lead to failure. At the end of the day, only you know what is best for you and therefore one should make ones owns choices. I'ts important that one develops courage to do this because sometimes i'ts fear that prevents us from thinking on our own. We may think that we're wrong or that we're going to be criticized but we should let that fear go and even if we do fail at some point, we should learn from it. None of us are perfect, but if we're afraid to fail we'll never give ourselves the opportunity to do the things we are capable of doing. Instead of feeling bad for your mistakes , you should embrace them and think about how you can prevent them in the future. If we cultivate this ability to take charge of our own life we'll no doubt be more successful. Personally i plan use this block of success in my everyday life. I will make my own decisions and even if they may seem challenging,  i'll stand by them because being initiative means you don;t give up easily. I will also use this in school. For instance i can start taking initiative in group projects or in simple things such as homework. 

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Block 10: Intentness
"Set a realistic goal. Concentrate on its achievement by resisting all temptations and being determined and persistent."
I believe that intentness means that you are determined and concentrated towards your goals. W must set a realistic goal concentrate on its achievement by resisting all temptations and be determined and persistent. This may be hard because in life we are going to have many challenges and temptations from people who don't have the same goals as ours. Just like coach Wooden taught and believed, we should set goals that are realistic and practical, that we can achieve step by step. When reaching them, we must be intent and work our way around it. We must not give up but instead try different methods instead of giving up. We should also be patient and if our goal involves doing something for a long period of time, we should be persistent and not give up easily. Personally, i will try to use this pyramid in my everyday life especially in school. If i want to reach a goal like maintain a certain grade in a class, i must be intent an not slack off. I have to maintain my mindset and despite if times may get hard, i must be stay persistent and patient. 

Block 11: Sincerity (keeps friends)
I believe that what this means is that a person who is sincere is free from pretense, deceit, or hypocrisy. This means that a person doesn't say things and then does something else. A person who is free from pretense will be more loyal and will act in accordance with their feelings, their beliefs, thoughts, and desires. Sincerity is the mortar that binds together the blocks of friendship, loyalty, cooperation and team spirit.Therefore, sincerity is also necessary to reach the apex. If we want people to appreciate us, we must be sincere and trustworthy. A person who values sincerity will make it far in life because there will be many opportunities available.  

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Block 12: Adaptability (to any situation)
i believe that what this means is that when a person is adaptable to adapt to new conditions and circumstances. This is really crucial and important because many times, our life isn't going to go the way we planned and so we have to learn how to be willing to modify ourselves for new purposes. Life is really unexpected and so we're rarely aware of what might happen. The only thing we're certain is death. This is why we should be prepared to by stand every situation. We need to recognize change, grow with it and learn from it. Since change is inevitable, people who are inflexible, bullheaded or stubborn will never be successful and they will fail . If we want to succeed, we must readily adapt to circumstances as they unfold—this includes both what we cannot change and what will. However we must recognize that some times there are some things that are inevitable and we can't change. 
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Block 13: Condition

Image result for Condition john wooden"Mental-Moral-Physical. Rest, exercise and diet must be considered. Moderation must be practiced. Dissipation must be eliminated." I believe that what this means is that we should take control of our physical selves. We have to keep ourselves mentally sane and to do that we must rest and exercise. We must also have moderation meaning we should avoid the excess of things that aren't necessary or helpful in our lives. For instance when it comes to our health, we must be moderate and avoid foods that aren't good for our diet. Dissipation must also be eliminated meaning that the waste of money and resources or energy should be eliminated. We must calculate our expenses and not just throw away money on random things. We have to strive to be in physical Condition, but we must also have mental and moral Condition. All three are very important and crucial components in this block of the Pyramid because you can't have one without the others. 

Block 14: Skill
"A knowledge of and the ability to properly and quickly execute the fundamentals. Be prepared and cover every little detail."
I believe that what this means is that we should have the ability to do something well, meaning we should try our best even in the smallest details. We should become a student of our own business and learn the basics as well as use our knowledge to use them in our everyday lives. When you overcome your knowledge deficiencies, then things will become more easier. For example an important skill 
Block 15:  Team Spirit
"A genuine consideration for others. An eagerness to sacrifice personal interests of glory for the welfare of all."
What this means is that we should be willing to help others and if that means we have to sacrifice some of our personal interests, then we should do it. Whether serving others’ needs physically or emotionally, even the simplest acts of kindness can have a tremendous positive impact. Being genuinely interested means that you leave behind all your selfish needs, its now teamwork rather than self interest. I can apply this at school in the way that i will be more willing to help out those who need it as well as be more attentive and consider everyone opinions rather than simply seek things for me. Especially when working with a team, i must make decisions for the benefit of the entire group rather than only myself. 

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Block 16: Honesty (in thought and action)
"Honesty is the best policy." (Ben Franklin)
What this means is that we should be willing to always tell the truth and be genuine when making decisions. We can do this with our friendships and relations with others. For instance, we can do be honest in school when it comes to our assignments and our tests. We can also be honest by committing to what we say. Most people say one thing and do other things which is why we should train ourselves and evolve into better individuals.  we can’t build relationships if we mistrust what friends say; we won’t follow leaders if we mistrust what they do; and we can’t make good decisions if we doubt the accuracy of the information that we receive. 
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Block 17: Resourcefulness (proper judgment)
 “Make the most out of what you have.” (Anonymous)

"If you have a dream, if you have something you've always wanted to do, look within yourself because that is where resourcefulness resides; and go for it.
Resourcefulness is using our wits, proper judgment and common sense to solve problems and meet challenges. This means that we find the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties. It is using initiative in difficult situations and involves inventing, creating, imagining, synthesizing, evaluating, classifying, observing and analyzing solutions to overcome the trials that life throws at us. Resourcefulness is dreaming up ways to meet our goals.

Block 18: Poise

"Just being yourself. Being at ease in any situation."
Having poise means being a graceful and elegant bearing in a person. This means that we should have morals and following them at ease in any situation. It's important to never fight oneself. Sure sometimes depending on the situation you can't always be fully yourself but in many cases, just being yourself can calm you down and prevent you from making irrational decisions. Poise is a great way to distress because when your fully yourself, it helps you calm down it helps you feel better it from a person who has done it before and still does it to this day. 

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Block 19: Confidence 
"Thorough preparation breeds confidence" Gerald Bell in
"The Carolina Way"
What this means is that Self-confidence is an attitude that you hold about yourself that allows you to move forward and achieve your goals. They note that a self-confident person has a general sense of control of her own life, and can do what she wishes, plans and expects. Self-confidence means that even if things don't go your way, you still believe that eventually, somehow, some way, they will. To have this mentality we must overcome all negative thoughts. We must refuse to accept that our work is in vain, still always remembering when the going gets tough, that the labor of our love will reward us soon enough.

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Block 20: Reliability (creates respect)
What this means is that when one is reliable, one has the quality of being trustworthy or of performing consistently well.This is very important especially if one wants to have good relations with others. Sincerity, honesty, reliability and integrity are some of the qualities that, together, encompass the genuineness, strength and impact of human character which is something we should all strive for especially if we want to have success. When we are reliable, others know they can depend on us. They know we will make the effort to do our best, whatever the situation might be. People will know that we aren't cowards. 
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Block 21: Fight (determined effort)
What this means is that we should be determined when we plan out our goals and fight for them. This doesn't mean that we should physically fight people because we won't get no where like that. We must fight in the way that if we aren't getting justice or people are undermining our efforts, we must fight for what is right and what we believe in. Self-determined children make positive things happen at school, with friends in their community, and in their families.
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Block 22: Competitive Greatness

" Be at your best when your best is needed. Enjoyment of a difficult challenge."
What this means is that we should take upon ourselves to complete challenges and be our best when doing them. We all have good qualities that we can make good use of and even if the challenge is difficult, we should strive to do our best. Not only this, but we should also be competitive, meaning we should encourage ourselves to adopt new innovations and evolve new ideas into our daily lives. By keeping this mentality, we will most likely achieve greatness. 
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Block 23: Integrity (purity of intention)
Having integrity means the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. This is really crucial in life because many times people in the world dont have this quality. Many people dont even respect themselves and this makes it much more easier to disrespect others. However we must have values and dignity. We must remain pure not only physically but also mentally. We must cleanse ourselves from all the bad influences and thoughts that may cloud up our success. This means that our intentions must be pure as well unlike many people who like to scam others and take advantage of their vulnerability
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Block 24: Faith (through prayer)
Believe and Achieve. Positive belief.
I believe that what this means is that we should believe in what we yet dont physically see. Having faith means we don't get discouraged but instead we have complete trust or confidence in someone or something. While life can be hard at the best of times, faith is the knowledge, deep down inside, that things will get better. This is crucial considering that many times when things don't go according to plan, we might lose hope and it may seem as if our life is falling apart. However we must trust god and know that he supports us and will be by our side even if no one is there. In the bible it says that even if our own mother would leave and forget us, god himself wouldn't ever forget us He really is our best friend who knows us more than we know ourselves and he will never put us through temptation more than we cannot handle. This is why whenever we feel anguished, we must talk to god through prayer because he will give us the faith and perseverance that we might not get otherwise. 

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Block 25: Patience (good things take time)
This means that if we want to achieve good things, we must be willing to wait for things rather than get desperate and seek easy way outs all the time. We have to make wise decisions and this will most likely take time. Being patient, you can overcome any challenging situation with more flexibility and in a better way. Being stress-free and happy helps you stay healthier rather than always wanting to get everything at once. In difficult situations, or if people make us mad, we must remain calm meaning we must have the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.
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Write one final reflection, at least 25 sentences or 300 words, on the 25 blocks of the Pyramid of Success. Include this reflection at the end of your Pyramid of Success post. Include a picture or two. 
In these 25 blocks of the pyramid of success, I learned many things that will no doubt benefit me in the future. I learned about the importance of loyalty and ambition. I know that in order to get through life and any hardships, i must have ambition, a desire to achieve a goal and self control this means that we are people with moral principals and values. I learned about the importance of having good judgment and common sense. I also learned about intentness, setting realistic goals and being persistentIf we want to succeed, we must readily adapt to circumstances as they unfold—this includes both what we cannot change and what will. I also learned about the importance of mental-moral and physical rest. We have to strive to be in physical Condition, but we must also have mental and moral Condition. Something that i want to keep in life is poise. I will continue by being a graceful and elegant bearing. Overall, these are only a couple of things that i learned in the pyramid of success. 

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