7 Habits of Highly effective people:
Habit 1: Be Proactive:"Habit 1 is the key to unlocking all the other habits and that's why it comes first. It says, "I am the captain of my life. I can choose my attitude. I'm responsible for my own happiness or unhappiness. I am in the driver's seat of my destiny, not just a passenger."
A highly effective person will be proactive not only with their goals but also with their everyday life. Sometimes we tend to waste our days and time on things that aren't important. Our time is very valuable so we should make the best use of it. This means that we should take charge of our own life and not blame others for our circumstances or for our misery. If we do this we wont ever be able to move forward. At the end of the day it's us who choose how we see people and life. We're the ones that choose what attitude we want to maintain towards others. We're the ones that are responsible for our own happiness and unhappiness. Sometimes people blame others or say things like, "i am so unlucky, my life sucks" but by keeping this mentality, one will only attract the same problems to oneself. No one, not your parents or your siblings or your teachers is to blame for the way you lead your life. Its true that they may influence it in a way but its oneself who chooses which lifestyle to lead. You can't ever acknowledge the truth if you don't first recognize the problem and sometimes the problem is found within oneself but some people have too much pride and ego to come to the agreement that they need to change. However we can change this by being proactive in our lives and taking charge of it like the driver in the car rather than the passenger. We can dedicate our time in things that will benefit us and teach us. This can be in a sport or in any thing that interests us.

I believe that this means that before we judge someone or make assumptions we should make sure we're right. I believe that sometimes people don't fully understand people yet still paint a picture of their life as if they know it which is why we should seek first to understand. We should diagnose before we prescribe. Its like if we go to the doctor, he will have to run tests on us and evaluate us before he gives us any medication. This is how we should treat people. We have to get to know them and actually understand them beforehand and this will make it easier for others to understand us. Most people seek first to be understood because they just want to get their point across and this can be bad because then they ignore what others have to say or if they do listen, they only hear what they want to hear and ignore the whole meaning behind it. Understanding people is more than just listening.

"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts (1+1=3)"
The word synergy means that one cooperates and is open minded to others ideas. Everyone's ideas combined can result in an excellent, effective idea because people bring all their personal experience and expertise to the table and produce better results which probably wouldn't have been obtained otherwise. A highly effective person understands this and is open minded to ask others to join in their ideas. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts means that all together, peoples combined ideas can result in a much greater outcome which is why we should be willing to not only always share our ideas but also to let others become more involved. We can do this by interacting and getting to meet more people.
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
Four Dimensions of Self-Renewal: Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Social/Emotional
I believe that sharpening the saw means that one maintains themselves physically, socially, and emotionally balanced. You renew yourself and change your life around for the better and this can be done in many ways. For example being by being physically healthy and eating better such as maintaining a good diet and exercising. One can also maintain themselves socially balanced by communicating with others and meeting new people. Being mentally prepared can mean that one spends time learning new things and this can be by reading and writing books. Lastly one can keep themselves spiritually balanced by meditating on things and attending church and also praying. All of these four dimensions of self renewal, will enhance ones personality and life. It will help bring growth and much more satisfaction in life. One will be a much more highly effective human being and things will fall better into place.
Reflection: Write an overall final reflection in this post regarding the "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People." Include your deepest thoughts and feelings. Write what you commit to do to apply the seven habits.
I believe that if we apply all these 7 habits, we will not only be ,more productive and achieve more but we'll also be better people ourselves. I think that we should all be proactive and begin with the end in mind. We should take charge of our own life and set our own goals. Personally i hope to apply all these habits such as organizing and executing my priorities. I hope to complete all my assignments and plan out a schedule that i can follow and therefore complete. I will also apply these habits by working along with others and keeping an open mind to their ideas. I will synergize more with others and try to understand their points of view.
A highly effective person will be proactive not only with their goals but also with their everyday life. Sometimes we tend to waste our days and time on things that aren't important. Our time is very valuable so we should make the best use of it. This means that we should take charge of our own life and not blame others for our circumstances or for our misery. If we do this we wont ever be able to move forward. At the end of the day it's us who choose how we see people and life. We're the ones that choose what attitude we want to maintain towards others. We're the ones that are responsible for our own happiness and unhappiness. Sometimes people blame others or say things like, "i am so unlucky, my life sucks" but by keeping this mentality, one will only attract the same problems to oneself. No one, not your parents or your siblings or your teachers is to blame for the way you lead your life. Its true that they may influence it in a way but its oneself who chooses which lifestyle to lead. You can't ever acknowledge the truth if you don't first recognize the problem and sometimes the problem is found within oneself but some people have too much pride and ego to come to the agreement that they need to change. However we can change this by being proactive in our lives and taking charge of it like the driver in the car rather than the passenger. We can dedicate our time in things that will benefit us and teach us. This can be in a sport or in any thing that interests us.
"Control your own destiny or someone else will." (Jack Welch)
I believe that this habit means that you are able to plan ahead towards what you want to do with your life and keep that plan in mind. This means that you have a clear picture of your destination and you take all the measures to reach it. You don't only think about today but you think more ahead of that. I think this is important because when you have a plan in mind, you are able to work towards it and be more likely to achieve it. One has the power to achieve whatever they impose for themselves and having this kind of freedom is something we should be grateful for. If we don't control our own life, someone out there will try to do it themselves and ruin us without them taking blame. We shouldn't let this happen because our life is very valuable and it only comes around once. We shouldn't lay around and let others use it but instead we should take charge of it ourselves and make goals always keeping the end in mind.
I believe that this habit means that you are able to plan ahead towards what you want to do with your life and keep that plan in mind. This means that you have a clear picture of your destination and you take all the measures to reach it. You don't only think about today but you think more ahead of that. I think this is important because when you have a plan in mind, you are able to work towards it and be more likely to achieve it. One has the power to achieve whatever they impose for themselves and having this kind of freedom is something we should be grateful for. If we don't control our own life, someone out there will try to do it themselves and ruin us without them taking blame. We shouldn't let this happen because our life is very valuable and it only comes around once. We shouldn't lay around and let others use it but instead we should take charge of it ourselves and make goals always keeping the end in mind.
Habit 3: Put First Things First
"Organize and execute around priorities."
To be highly effective people its important that we prioritize what really is important. We should set aside the things that are needed and the things that we just merely want. When we do this, we get to focus more on our life and therefore achieve much more that we thought. The key is not to prioritize what's in your schedule, but to schedule your priorities and when we do this we'll find to have much more free time to what we want rather that stressing over our life. For example, many people nowadays focus too much over basic things such as using their phone, watching TV, being on social media, spending time doing nonsense with friends and etc...However a highly effective person will find other productive things to do that could actually be of great benefit. Personally i plan to do this by setting a proper schedule and not procrastinate or slack off.
Habit 4: Think Win-Win
"Think win-win or no deal."
I believe that this means that one should always keep in mind winning as the only option. If one does this, then failure will be less likely to occur. Personally i believe that having this confidence in ones goals and dreams will produce very high achievements because instead of worrying about what might go wrong, one concentrates on pure positive outcomes and therefore motivates oneself more than regular. However if one is always thinking about maybe loosing, then this could lead to low productivity and low self esteem which could even affect ones life overall. When we think Win/Win or No Deal we basically accept the idea that if we can’t find a solution that works for everyone involved, we agree to disagree and this will not only improve our individuality but it will also make us more like able and therefore more high achievers
Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood
"Diagnose before you prescribe."I believe that this means that before we judge someone or make assumptions we should make sure we're right. I believe that sometimes people don't fully understand people yet still paint a picture of their life as if they know it which is why we should seek first to understand. We should diagnose before we prescribe. Its like if we go to the doctor, he will have to run tests on us and evaluate us before he gives us any medication. This is how we should treat people. We have to get to know them and actually understand them beforehand and this will make it easier for others to understand us. Most people seek first to be understood because they just want to get their point across and this can be bad because then they ignore what others have to say or if they do listen, they only hear what they want to hear and ignore the whole meaning behind it. Understanding people is more than just listening.
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
Four Dimensions of Self-Renewal: Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Social/Emotional
I believe that sharpening the saw means that one maintains themselves physically, socially, and emotionally balanced. You renew yourself and change your life around for the better and this can be done in many ways. For example being by being physically healthy and eating better such as maintaining a good diet and exercising. One can also maintain themselves socially balanced by communicating with others and meeting new people. Being mentally prepared can mean that one spends time learning new things and this can be by reading and writing books. Lastly one can keep themselves spiritually balanced by meditating on things and attending church and also praying. All of these four dimensions of self renewal, will enhance ones personality and life. It will help bring growth and much more satisfaction in life. One will be a much more highly effective human being and things will fall better into place.
Reflection: Write an overall final reflection in this post regarding the "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People." Include your deepest thoughts and feelings. Write what you commit to do to apply the seven habits.
I believe that if we apply all these 7 habits, we will not only be ,more productive and achieve more but we'll also be better people ourselves. I think that we should all be proactive and begin with the end in mind. We should take charge of our own life and set our own goals. Personally i hope to apply all these habits such as organizing and executing my priorities. I hope to complete all my assignments and plan out a schedule that i can follow and therefore complete. I will also apply these habits by working along with others and keeping an open mind to their ideas. I will synergize more with others and try to understand their points of view.
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