Six Rules to Make People Like you.

Six Rules to Make People Like you
Become genuinely interested in other people: most people complain about the lack of love and friends that they have but honestly thats a problem to fix within oneself. if you want people to appreciate you and care for you, you must be real yourself.. Most people act real when they know they're fake. I think that nowadays people who are genuine are really rare to find and i say this from experience. Its really sad and so when i meet someone who actually cares, then i hold them deep in my heart and i want to be that person to someone as well. Being genuinely interested in someone means that you dont take them for granted and you dont switch up within a week. You care about their life and are there for them when they need you the most and not just when your lonely or its convenient. Most people just use people and how can you have real friends like this?. You wont ever have a real friendship nor relationship like this and i always make sure to tell myself this because sometimes people take advantage of me and it makes me not like them no more and it makes me think that i don't ever want to be like them. To be genuine you cant only say, "i care" but you have to prove it. Most time peoples actions dont even resemble what they say and that pisses me off so bad. It just proves that they dont genuinely care but instead they say things merely to say them. People like this really make you lose trust and i dont ever want to impact someones life this way.  
Smile: if you want others to like you i think its really important to smile. It shows that you are friendly and this will attract more conversations and friends. However if you constantly have a dead stare, then people will think your depressed and miserable even though it might not be true. Smiling can also help lift up a a bad mood and it can brighten someone else's day. For instance if someone is going through problems at home,they are more likely to feel better if they surround themselves with those who try to be happy. Smiling can also be good for our health overall relaxing our body and lowering our heart rate and blood pressure. A smile can also be contagious and impact someones life for the better even if its just for a small moment. 
Remember Names:Another thing that's really important to get people to like you is by remembering peoples names. This will be proof that you really care about the new people your meeting and it will make others feel more comfortable being around you. When someone remembers our name we feel more valued and respected and we'll be more likely to engage in a conversation as well as in a friendship. We will feel more secured and appreciated. Remembering peoples names also shows good manners and courtesy and we want to leave this impression everywhere we go to whomever we meet. 
Be a good listener, encourage others to talk about themselves: If you want people to like you, you must show that you care about them and a way to do so is by listening to them when they talk and caring about what they have to say. Encouraging people to talk about themselves can be surprising and beneficial. You might learn things about people that you didn't know and you can also become a confidential friend to them. Letting people express themselves will make them feel appreciated rather than always talking about yourself and irritating others. People will have good things to say about you and you will make more friends. 
Talk in terms of the other mans interest: talking in terms of the other mans interest means that you are aware of what others like and you're willing to talk about it rather than just exasperate people with what you like. Talking in terms of the other mans interest means that your interested in getting to know that individual. The truth is that we all have different likes. We're all different with distinct ways of thinking. We also all have different passions and getting to know peoples passions will make us more likeable especially if we're willing to talk about it. Being interested in things that are significant to them can open the door to many new frienships. 
Make the other person feel important and do it sincerely: I believe everyone in the world is important and its important that they know that. Surrounding yourself with people who make you feel important, will be a great help for your self esteem and influencing others this way would make people feel appreciated and comfortable. Sincerely caring about others could really impact a persons life more than what we know. Especially if they live a difficult life, making them feel important can be something rare and helpful for some people. Showing you care can be humbling at times but it doesn't make you weak or vulnerable. It makes a well impression upon your name and it makes others remember you in a good way. Something we can do is find something you sincerely admire about a person and share your opinion with them. 
Make the other person feel important and do it sincerely: To make people like you its crucial that you make others feel important because as humans, wanting to be appreciated is a basic fundamental for our lives. Its one thing to believe someone is important and another to let them know sincerely. You cant just say someone is important to you yet not mean it because then it wouldn't be real and no one likes unreal people especially as friends. If you want friends you have to show that you care for them and that you'll be there for them because that's just how important they are. I believe that we should all treat others the way we deserve to be treated  even though it may not always be this way because everyone has different morals and only because other peoples morals don't fit with ours, it doesn't mean that we have to change ourselves because then we would be like everyone else and it sucks to be the same in a world like the one we live in. Treating others importantly will connect us to many friends and therefore happiness. 

Reflection: Write an overall final reflection in this post regarding the "Six  Ways to Make People Like You".  Include your deepest thoughts and feelings. Write what you commit to do to apply the Six Rules.

Overall in this set of posts we were able to learn more ways in which we can be more likable and build more friends in our lives. I think that if more people committed themselves  to apply these ways, then humanity would be much better and safer. Nowadays people dont want to make new friends and if they do, its never sincere. However there are those who can really bring a smile to your face and make you realize that not everyone is messed up. Personally i plan to be one of these persons and be a genuine friend to everyone i meet. I will do this by smiling more and by being a good listener and encouraging others to relate their lives to me. I will listen to people and make them feel important. Not only will i get more friends but people will feel more comfortable around me and i will also be living the best version of myself which i hope will bring me happiness. 


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