The six attitudes of high achievers:

Make no small plans: not making small plans is an excellent way to reach high goals and dreams. If we were to simply take small decisions in life, then our outcome wouldn't be as great. However maintaining a attitude in which one takes big steps and plans big, then it shows that one has courage and since you expect more, you'll be more likely to receive more. for instance in school its important that we make big plans when thinking about our future. Maintaining this kind of attitude can help us be more determined and willing to reach our goals. It can also motivate others to do the same and have a good effect on them.
Do what they fear: doing what people fear is an excellent way in which you can be a high achiever. Most of the time people are afraid of certain things. This could be because they fear of failure or of what others would say. Many times this stops people from achieving their goals however this is just a limit that we ourselves are putting. Its true that sometimes being afraid of failure or rejection can make us hesitant and its normal to feel this way but we shouldnt let it consume our life. We dont know what the outcome will be and so its always good to go for it even if others try to make us back down. Doing what others feel shows that were courageous and we're not afraid of challenges.
High Achievers Are Willing To Prepare: If we ever wanna strive in life and reach our ultimate dreams, its important that we prepare for it. We wont ever get nowhere if we dont plan beforehand. Being prepared can be a huge advantage because we will know what to expect and how to work accordingly to our goals. It will help us arrange the things needed to make our life easier and more organized. Knowing what we want, how to get there, and preparing for it, is what high achievers do and if one is not willing to prepare for the future, then one shouldn't expect high accompishments.
High Achievers Are Willing To Risk Failure: In order to be a high achiever you have to know that failing is a part of everyday life. You cant always get what you want and things wont always be what you expect at times and that's okay. Its true that sometimes we might be afraid to do stuff because of this but in order to learn we have to risk something in life. Succeeding doesn't mean that we win all the time, to get there we will most likely fail.Even the best of the best failed at some point but they took that chance and looking back at it, most people don't regret it. However if you don't take that chance because your afraid of failure, then you'll never know what could've happened if that doubt wasn't there. Fear will kill most dreams that we might have but we should never let it get in the way because it can limit us and make us think that we're less than what we actually are. A failure isn't ever a mistake unless we don't learn from them so we should always be willing to risk fear,
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High Achievers Are Teachable: High achievers will be willing to learn which is essential for striving in life because if one is not teachable then,  you wont be able to learn new things, some that could benefit your future. Being teachable means that you are amendable and apt to listen to what others have to say. This can be at school or at home or whenever someone has some advice to give . Being teachable will benefit our success because we'll constantly be working on growing ourselves as a human being and this can make us really happy and intelligent enough to face the real world. Having this mindset not only helps us but also makes the job easier for the teacher.

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High Achievers Have Heart: having a heart doesn't mean that you just have an organ, i believe it goes more in depth into the kind of person you are. Having a heart means you care about others and not only saying it but actually meaning it. When you have a heart, you genuinely pay attention to others life because not everyone has it easy or they may be some things that you don't really quite know about that person and by having a heart you mind that and you understand it.  Its really sad because nowadays nobody has a heart. People get mad and say things or they do things that bring others down, sometimes they don't even know the person and already they're quick to assume things. We can see this everywhere daily. I think having a  heart says a lot about a person because its really easy to just be rude but someone who cares is rare, highly appreciated and remembered for sure. And yeah it can be hard to have a big heart in a cruel world but it doesn't make you weaker and i feel like most people think it does or sometimes people get scared thinking that someone else will take advantage of it but you should never make you heart any smaller for something that others might do because then you wont be in sync with your own life but instead you'll be living others.


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