The six attitudes of high achievers:
Make no small plans : not making small plans is an excellent way to reach high goals and dreams. If we were to simply take small decisions in life, then our outcome wouldn't be as great. However maintaining a attitude in which one takes big steps and plans big, then it shows that one has courage and since you expect more, you'll be more likely to receive more. for instance in school its important that we make big plans when thinking about our future. Maintaining this kind of attitude can help us be more determined and willing to reach our goals. It can also motivate others to do the same and have a good effect on them. Do what they fear: doing what people fear is an excellent way in which you can be a high achiever. Most of the time people are afraid of certain things. This could be because they fear of failure or of what others would say. Many times this stops people from achieving their goals however this is just a limit that we ourselves are putting. Its true that sometimes...